Saturday 22 June 2013

10000 Rajasthan prabodhak Vacancy 2013 Notification Application Didactic Recruitment

After filling posts of LDC Lower Division clerk, JEAN, Lower subordinate, and shiksha Sahayak state government of Rajasthan now going to publish recruitment notification for Prabodhak posts for school of Rajasthan. Recruitment of Prabodhak posts will be filled by direct vacancy; there will be neither written examination nor interview test. Rajasthan Panchayati Raj department will publish the recruitment notification Prabodhak posts.
Recently government changed the recruitment rule for Prabodhak posts. Official Go Government order for prabodhak vacancy will be publish next week. After published advertisement, notification will be release. Total 10000 prabodhak posts are proposed to fill by Rajasthan Panchayati Raj department. There are 5000 posts for level 1 and 5000 posts for level 2 of primary upper primary government school. Ministry of law also had given there approval to filling posts. After completing the recruitment process 3rd grade teacher recruitment process will be started.
Government now waiting court decision on RTET if there will be delay in Court Judgment on RTET then its expectation that prabodhak recruitment process will be start from 1st week of July.

Eligibility criteria for Rajasthan prabodhak as are follows
Education qualifications for prabodhak posts will be same for 3rd grade teacher. For level 1, STC and RTET qualified and for level 2 , B.ed RTET qualified candidates can fill application form prabodhak  posts. All rules be applicable which was made for grade 3 teacher vacancy of Rajasthan. There is only one different between 3rd grade teacher and prabodhak recruitment is that selection of 3rd grade teacher was based on the written examination however there are no provision for written examination in prabodhak vacancy. Selection will be based on academic merit.

Experience will be count
In recruitment process of prabodhak posts you will get bonus marks as Wightage . Your experience will count in this vacancy. 10 marks will be given for 1 year experience, 20 marks for 2 year experience, and 30 marks for 3 year experience  for those candidates who worked in schools. After that a merit lists will be prepared on the basis of academic marks and experience marks 
10000 Rajasthan prabodhak Vacancy 2013 Notification Application Didactic Recruitment


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